Saturday, April 13, 2013

Galactose: Diet Edition - Day 4

Stuff is starting to look right...

Added a simple toon shader effect to the rendering, to more closely match the actual game.

I also got quaternion and the basic stuff for flight controls implemented, and cleaned up a lot of code that had gotten pretty ugly, and finally put everything under version control, yay!

Also updated some of the misc icon textures, etc.

The next step is really probably to get the player actually flying around in a drone, which shouldn't be that hard now, and then implementing trails & shots & collision detection, then some very basic AI, should bring us reasonably close to some kind of graybox style target for tomorrow.

I finally got around to creating this blog today. I apologize for the older posts, I put them there more for reference for the future, and to put this project's timeline into context, most of them are from my facebook posts about this project.

I'm currently trying to find a good way to capture videos of my game on an Android device. I heard about a nifty library earlier, SeeMeGaming, but it appears you have to ask them to get access to it. Other than that, I tried using the webcam on my laptop to record a video of the game running on my cellphone, but that came out pretty poorly, and was pretty uncomfortable. Also, I won't be able to really play using that method, so I'll have to keep looking... 

 Above: Recording footage with a webcam doesn't
work too well

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